
notes and ramblings

Building a Performance-Minded Team

Most interesting software products are not built by a single person. Chances are, you are part of a team trying to build some useful and well-performing software. If you are the performance guru on your team, then there are things you can do to encourage others to be...

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Chapter 1 – Basic Concepts

Educate Yourself Applicability: As general as possible. Justification: The most general rule in this book, it is applicable in a much broader scope than memory management alone. It means nothing less than that we should always set in expanding our knowledge to strive...

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Design Patterns in .NET 6

Author: Dmitri Nesteruk Related course. Buy the book. The SOLID Design Principles The Functional Perspective Builder Factories Prototype Singleton Adapter Bridge Composite Decorator Façade Flyweight Proxy Value Object Chain of Responsibility Command Interpreter...

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